- Internal Regulation of Conduct in relation to the Stock Market.
- Code of Ethics and Conduct.
- Internal Audit Charter.
- Risk Control and Management Policy.
- Sustainability Policy.
- Selection Policy for Director Candidates.
- Report on other related operations.
- Human Rights Policy.
- Communication Policy.
- Directors’ Remuneration Policy.
- Environmental Policy.
- Diversity and Inclusive Growth Policy.
- Policy on Occupational Health and Safety.
- Ethical Channel Policy.
- General Purchasing Policy.
- Policy on Labour Conditions, Social Dialogue and against Modern Slavery.
- Anti-Corruption Policy.
- Tax Strategy Policy (Spanish Version).
- Corporate Governance Policy.
- Communication Policy with Shareholders, Institutional Investors and Proxy Advisors.
- Policy on Information Security and Cibersecurity.
- Compliance Policy.