Human Rights are one of the fundamental pillars of Prosegur's business project. Therefore, we take an active position in their respect and protection, and promote them as an essential element and guide in undertaking all our activities.
Prosegur works with suppliers and customers who share our philosophy; therefore, Prosegur’s commitment to Human Rights extends to them, who must accept, abide by and comply with both: The Prosegur Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Human Rights Policy.
Due Diligence
To ensure respect for human rights, Prosegur has systematised due diligence management based on the continuous improvement cycle. This ensures that potential negative impacts can be effectively identified, prevented, mitigated and repair effectively.
In this way, the company embraces one of the recommendations made by the Spanish OECD National Contact Point, from where it has subsequently valued the integration of Human Rights carried out by Prosegur in its business activity.

Since 2018, the evaluation and identification of Prosegur's impact on Human Rights has been adapted, obtaining a risk map that identifies possible risk areas and serves as a basis for planning measures to correct them.

The implementation of measures provided in the planning involves all levels of the organization.

Prosegur has the necessary tools for quantitative and qualitative control of compliance with Human Rights. All this is supervised by the internal audit and compliance committees.

Possible Human Rights violations detected and processes that have proven to be deficient or improvable for the protection of Human Rights are corrected.
In addition, every three years and on a voluntary basis, Prosegur uses third parties to provide services in the review of the management of Human Rights due diligence.
In particular, PwC has provided services to Prosegur in the preparation of the last advisory report on the analysis of HR due diligence maturity against practices and standards, working under the direction of Prosegur.