Prosegur promotes various initiatives that seek to make its stakeholders aware of the importance of preserving and protecting the environment. Through communication campaigns, training and corporate volunteering days, among others, the company promotes environmental education and awareness.
Forest Prosegur in the Sierra del Pobo (Spain)
Prosegur has started the creation of the Forest Prosegur in the Sierra del Pobo, in the province of Teruel (Spain), whose deforestation was originated 500 years ago with the construction of ships.

Safari sobre biodiversidad en Iberoamérica
With the support of the Prosegur Foundation and Retree, the company has created a reforestation plan for the area, which will also serve as a strategy to raise awareness among its employees and boost the local economy.
Thanks to the direct involvement of volunteers and the local community, the Forest Prosegur will take shape in the coming years, decreasing the risk of floods that affect towns and crops, reducing erosion and increasing the quality of the land, and contributing to the CO2 absorption.