Would you like to have an in-depth knowledge of the security world? Discover Prosegur Research

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According to Prosegur Research "security is a particularly complex phenomenon that depends on a multitude of mutually conditioning factors: economic, social, political, cultural or those linked to the technological revolution."
Security has always been a pillar of stability and progress, but it tends to be more so in a context of uncertainty where the transformation of chaotic information into useful knowledge - the data economy - is strategic," added those responsible for this new initiative.
Prosegur’s 45 years’ experience, with a presence in 26 countries and more than 150,000 employees, translates into a legacy, a culture, and a clear purpose: the protection of our societies. Prosegur Research fully harnesses the potential of the company to help the company itself, its customers, and institutions to make better decisions.
Internal and external objectives of Prosegur Research
- A broad, useful and far-sighted approach. Generate in-depth studies on major trends and specific aspects of security, both at the present time and with an eye to the future.
- It has the spirit of a Security Observatory, with the vocation of influencing the company, the sector, the administration, the media, and the general public.
- It aims to contribute to the security culture at all levels, given the relevance that private security has acquired and its contribution to public security.
- It aims to be a reliable source of information for rigorous analysis of highly complex issues.
- It aims to serve as a forum for debate and reflection for all actors interested in security matters: experts and professionals from the business world, academia or the general public.
- It will take advantage of internal synergies. Prosegur Research will work with other teams within the company that conduct analysis, such as the Intelligence and Foresight Unit or Global Risk Services, to disseminate information of interest that is currently only for internal use.
The security world is undergoing a process of change that has speeded up by the rapidly changing world, the technological revolution, and the impact of COVID. Criminality is an adaptive and evolving phenomenon that seeks every opportunity to carry out illegal activities.
Technological development is the great "game changer" of our times. It is a strategic pillar in the positive global development of recent decades, helping to build more prosperous and empowered societies. The exponential growth of technologies, and especially their convergence, means that what seemed impossible years ago can now be achieved in the short term.
Furthermore, the pandemic has deepened the process of growing uncertainty about the future, highlighting the importance and extent of risks that, despite their low probability, will eventually materialise.
In short, security and insecurity depend on a multitude of political, social, technological, economic, and individual variables at any given time. Prosegur Research was created to analyse all of these new security variables, which are important for ordinary citizens as well as for businesses and public authorities. This new area, based on the company's intelligence analysis and foresight, sheds light on all of these trends and anticipates the evolution of security to help companies, institutions and administrations to be more prepared.
The team is made up of intelligence analysts, some of whom have years of experience in public bodies, university lecturers or professors who have done research in their field and published their findings. A dynamic group connected to a growing network of experts as sources of quality information. If we need to understand the evolution of crime in an area of the world," Prosegur Research says, "we talk to the specialist who knows it best. If we want to understand CRISPR 9 technology, we talk to the right biologists, and if we want to understand how a criminal technological innovation works, we contact engineers.
Two of the team's first analysts; José María Blanco and Carmen Jordá, are among the 40 most influential futurists in Spain, according to Forbes magazine.
Their job is to track and collect key information, assess its credibility, integrate and analyse it, and validate it to generate authoritative reports. In addition to networking, they apply qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods, which can rely on information management software, geolocation, data science and machine learning to decode patterns in this welter of intersecting variables that complicate but also help explain security and insecurity.
Context and philosophy
What the team is like and how it works
The reports drawn up by Prosegur Research will be free, public and reflective, but also informative. The reports shall not appear as a dry piece of paper containing technicalities and will adapt to the need to translate knowledge into visual formats, insights, and infographics so that the information contained therein is easy to understand.
The Trends look to the future, highlighting the seven key drivers of security in the post-Covid world - diffuse power, social polarisation, new economic models including stakeholders, the technological revolution, sustainability and the environment, individual empowerment, and new definitions and understanding of welfare and wellbeing. We will also share our vision on the world's hotspots for 2022, which offer us a broad look at the key drivers of the future applied to the current year to facilitate decision-making when protecting people and businesses.
On the other hand, the Insights have a more immediate and specific perspective, and include an analysis of (in)Security in Latin America as a complex problem, considering the main challenges facing the region and providing the security visions of Peru and Brazil elaborated by independent experts.
In the coming months, Prosegur Research will expand the content accessible on the website, maintaining the critical and reflective spirit of this initiative; it will explore new formulas for technological innovation in crime, identify the main lights and shadows of the metaverse, analyse the latest trends in crime in the United States and Spain, study how mobile organised crime operates in Europe and the importance of the environment in global security, among many other topics of interest.