Eficiencia Energética

Madrid, October 20, 2023. -  Prosegur, a leading company in the private security sector, has been included in the recently launched IBEX ESG group of indexes created by the Spanish Stock Exchange (BME), strengthening the two environmental, social and governance indexes, along with the IBEX Gender Equality. The IBEX ESG consists of the IBEX ESG and the IBEX ESG Weighted, with weightings adjusted to sustainability and ESG rating criteria respectively. These indexes, calculated in real time, are open to IBEX 35 or IBEX Medium Cap companies with an ESG rating equal to or higher than C+ and that comply with the United Nations Global Compact Principles.

Juan Ignacio de Guzman, Global Director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability at Prosegur, said: "Being part of this new index reflects Prosegur's commitment to the creation of quality employment and the generation of integral value. This not only reaffirms our dedication to sustainability, but also aligns our operations with the company's strategic objectives, allowing us to offer high quality services through responsible and sustainable practices".

Prosegur joins leading companies such as Acciona, ACS, Santander, Inditex and Telefónica on the newly created index, reflecting the commitment of Spanish industry to a more sustainable economy. The new indexes adopt a methodology similar to the SIX ESG indexes of the Swiss market, aimed at driving the transition to a more sustainable economy among listed companies.

This recognition highlights Prosegur's outstanding performance in environmental, social and governance aspects, aligning its operations with global sustainability objectives. The methodology of these new indexes, similar to the Switzerland’s SIX ESG indexes, is to help drive the transition to a more sustainable economy among listed companies.

Prosegur has been in the IBEX Medium Cap since 1987 and both Prosegur and Prosegur Cash have a high ESG ratings, as reflected in the latest ESG assessment by S&P Global Ratings. Both organizations were the first private security companies to obtain and publish this assessment in 2022. In addition, they remain the only ones in the security services subsector to have a public ESG assessment at present.